This is the Life: Late Summer is the Best Time for Fly Fishing

It’s hard to believe the end of summer is approaching already, but there’s still time to plan the perfect Arkansas River fishing trip before fall. In fact, here at Arkansas River Tours, late summer is one of our favorite times for river trips. So, don’t pack away your fishing gear just yet—here are three reasons to plan one last trip while summer lingers.

1. The weather is mellow.

arkansas river fishing trips
After the punishing heat of midsummer, the cooling days of late August and September are a welcome relief. The mornings and evenings are more pleasant, and the shade creeps up faster in the heat of the afternoon.

Later in the summer, it’s easier than ever to enjoy your time on the river.

For warm but rarely scorching sunshine, and crisp evenings that were made for campfires, late summer can’t be beaten.

2. It’s the perfect finale to your kids’ summer vacation.

If you have kids, you know that as soon as school starts, their lives (and yours) will become an obstacle course of homework, sports practice, and friends. It’s an all-out sprint until winter break rolls around.

Knowing that, wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy one last peaceful trip together before the craziness of the school year begins? Going on a fly fishing or rafting trip late in the summer is the perfect way to reconnect and rebalance as a family. Even when life gets chaotic, you can all look back on calm, happy memories of time spent as a family on the river.

We offer plenty of trips that are great for families with kids of all ages, so don’t wait. Now is the time to make memories with your kids that will last all year.

3. The water is calm—perfect for relaxing in between casts.

By the end of the season, the water runs lower and clearer than ever. Sections of the river that were churning early in the summer become tranquil waterfalls as the days shorten and temperature cool.

This change creates an entirely new fly fishing atmosphere that lets you fully absorb the beauty and serenity of the river you’re on. With no feeding frenzies and no rushing rapids to charge up the environment, you can enjoy the kind of peaceful fishing that you see in paintings or postcards. Slower, calmer waters make for wonderfully relaxing float trips that will take you past gorgeous canyons and trees on the brink of fall colors.

In late summer, you get the best the rivers have to offer. With smaller crowds, cooler temperatures, and clear water, your late summer fly fishing trip can be the perfect way to rest and rejuvenate at the end of an exhilarating season.

By: Tomis Contact
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